Sunday, January 27, 2013

4 Days Post-Op VSG

Well, I had my surgery 4 days ago. I've been home for a couple days now. I'm doing fine. The day after surgery I was very nauseous, so that was a miserable day full of regret.  Each day gets easier. I don't regret anymore... I'm feeling more like myself now.

I am on a full liquid diet.. the same diet I was on for a week before surgery.  I'm not able to consume like I did then though.. whew!  Back then I had no trouble getting my 64 oz of water every day, or my 60 grams of protein... I actually got way more protein than that every day then... but now, I'm struggling, trying to get it in because my new stomach "sleeve" won't hold much at a time. I am constantly sipping. It is like a full time job trying to get my liquids in!  I did the best today that I've done since surgery... and I got like 4 cups of water, and a cup of chicken broth from chicken noodle soup, which counts toward my liquids too, and a half of a muscle milk. Right now, I'm attempting to eat some unsweetened apple sauce.  Cold stuff doesn't feel as good in my tummy as room temperature or warm stuff.  The chicken broth was really good actually.  Hopefully tomorrow will be even better.

I'm looking forward to my one week checkup because that is when my drain will be removed and my staples will be removed... those are annoying.

I've already lost several pounds.. let me see.. I've lost almost ten pounds since surgery day. cool, huh?

I've been walking around as much as I can.  It gets boring just walking around the house. Today my husband took me to Walmart and I walked around there and got a few things we needed... it was nice to get out of the house, but annoying trying to hide the drain.

I'll try to make a video soon. Just thought I'd check in real quick.  :-)

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