Tuesday, August 12, 2014

So, What am I Eating a Year and a Half After Weight Loss Surgery?

I've decided to start posting recipes and food ideas that I have experienced and tried since my weight loss surgery.  From time to time, I might post other interesting tidbits that I have learned.

Since I've reached goal, I have been approached many times by people who are thinking about having weight loss surgery, people who have just had it, people whose loved one has had or thinking about having it, people who are struggling after having it, with questions about what they should be eating, what exercises worked for me, my opinions on protein/carbs/calories, etc.  So, I thought that since so many people were wondering, I would use this blog to answer those questions.

First of all, I learned a lot from a few people before and since I had weight loss surgery. I highly recommend going to YouTube and searching for videos about weight loss surgery, vertical sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, etc. You will find a great community of weight loss surgery patients who post videos of their journeys.  I learned so much from some of these people. I have videos on there as well.  My YouTube channel is ShrinkingJenn

As far as my opinion on protein/carbs/calories, etc. I will share what I do, but I encourage you to follow your doctor or nutritionist's advice. I, in no way, pretend to know more than they do.

I try to follow to 10/1 protein/calorie ratio.  For every 10 calories the food has, it should have 1 gram of protein.  Now, not all my food follows this rule.  Such as, if I eat vegetables...they usually have very little protein. But, I eat protein first and if I have room, I will eat the vegetable.

If the food has 100 calories, it should have at least 10 grams of protein for me to consider it a good protein source. If it has 80 calories, it should have at least 8 grams of protein...and so on.  I can eat such little portions, that I really want to make it count...so I try my best to follow this rule.

Carbs...Not all carbs are created equal.  I'm not an expert on carbs but I do know that the carbs you get from vegetables and fruits and brown rice are better for you than the carbs you get from processed foods, sugar, etc.  During the losing stage, I avoided almost ALL carbs. I kept my daily intake of carbs under 20. Now, that I'm at goal, I'm not as strict on that, but I do keep them pretty low still.

When I was losing, I kept my calories under 800 per day.  I know that sounds low, but I seriously could not eat more than that if I tried. Many times, my calories for the day were in the range of about 650 because I physically could not eat more than that.  I don't recommend going over 1000 calories per day during the losing stage. I kept my protein at 60 or higher... (that was my goal. I didn't always reach that goal) and my carbs under 20 each day.  I lost weight very well and never had a stall.

For the longest time, I couldn't eat over an ounce at a time. 1/4 cup or less at each meal. I could not physically eat more than this. I didn't push it either.  I had this surgery to get healthy. To lose weight. I took/take it very seriously. So, I didn't and still don't complain or feel deprived. I had to learn that food is not fun. Food is fuel. We should not eat for the taste or the enjoyment. Yes, you can survive on that small amount of food. I did/do. Plenty other successful weight loss surgery patients do too.  If you put yourself in the mindset of "Oh my God! I can't handle eating such small portions!" "I will starve!" "I will NEVER be able to enjoy family/friend gatherings again!" "That CAN'T be healthy!" then guess what!?  You are setting yourself up for failure because if you have that attitude, you will prove yourself right.  I would rather prove myself right by saying, "Yes! I can do that!" and then do it.  Even though I eat much smaller portions now, it is much healthier than the huge portions I ate before surgery. When you eat healthy foods, you get full faster anyway.  The highly processed, carb-filled foods that I was addicted to before surgery make you crave more, and most of them are sliders.. Sliders don't fill you up fast, so you eat much larger quantities, and then you crave them.

As far as never being able to enjoy family/friend gatherings again, I have this to say: you will enjoy them more. Food will no longer be the highlight of the day.  The focus will not be on eating and enjoying the food. The focus will be on your family, your friends. You will spend more time enjoying activities with your loved-ones. Food will be on the back burner, where it belongs.

At this time, 19 months after surgery, I can eat about 1/4 to 1/3 cup at a time, depending on what it is. I know that doesn't sound like much food, but I am surviving and I am healthier than I've been in many years. Our bodies really don't need as much food as we think they do.  I learned that.

Ok, off I go to make my dinner. I will take pictures and post it so you can try it too!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

GOAL - And Other Things....

Hello!  I haven't done a very good job with this blog. LOL...

It has been 13 months since I had my weight loss surgery.. and a lot has happened.  I reached my goal in December, after 11 months.  My starting weight was 274, and in December, I reached my goal of 125.

Since then, I've continued to lose weight.  I now weigh 116 pounds.  I had planned, and hoped, all along to lose about 10 pounds more than my goal so that I would have a cushion in case I gain a little...so I'm not too upset that I've continued to lose.  Afterall, I'm still in the healthy range for my height.. I am 5 feet tall, and the normal weight range for me is 95 lbs to 128 lbs.

I'm trying to increase my calories so that I can begin maintenance now.  On MyFitnessPal, I changed my settings from "losing" to "maintenance" and it says I'm supposed to get over 1500 calories per day, without exercising...I do good to barely get 1200 but it's getting better.  I just don't want to wish away this "honeymoon" period when it's easy to lose.  I am trying to appreciate the fact that I can't gain even if I try right now... I would say that eventually I will be able to easily get enough calories to gain and I don't want to get myself into the habit of grazing or eating a lot of crap before then...that could cause me to gain back weight that I don't want to gain.

A lot of people don't understand this though...people tell me to stop losing weight or I will start looking sick...as if I'm mischievously trying to lose too much weight...odd how people think.

Anyway...my biggest complaint is my loose skin.  I have a lot of it.  My arms...they bother me less than other parts of my body, but yeah, I have skin hanging on my upper arms...it is not fat at all.. just skin.  I do have a little bit of loose skin on my neck, like under my chin but it doesn't bother me too bad...it only shows up at certain angles or whatever... but my boobs are hideous..just empty..not pretty at all. I have loose skin on my stomach and butt and my thighs are just awful.  Ugh!

BUT, I kind of suspected that this would happen.  I hoped it wouldn't, but thought it probably would.  I will take the loose skin ANY day over the fat.  I am going to visit a plastic surgeon and see about getting some of it removed but I don't know if my insurance will cover it, or if I will even have my insurance much longer....but it won't hurt to inquire about it.

So...Here are some pics.

Left is me now, weighing 116 pounds in a small shirt & size 4 pants.  Right is me before, in a 3x shirt & size 24 jeans.

My son and I can both fit in that outfit now!

First pic is me in the hospital right before surgery and the second pic is me in Dec. 2013 right after I reached GOAL!

Friday, July 19, 2013

It's Been a While!

Well, now I am 25 weeks out from surgery and I've lost 101 pounds!  I'm really excited.

I'm so blessed that I haven't had any complications or problems.  I think I'm losing weight at a pretty good rate.  I've been exercising on a pretty regular basis.  I do the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds videos.  I've worked my way up to the 4 mile walk.  I do 2 different ones. I alternate them every other day. One of them uses weights and the other one has intervals of jogging. 

I am still only able to eat about an ounce to and ounce and a half at a time. I'm getting no more than 650 calories per day.. I try to get my 60 grams of protein but it is hard... I try to get close to it though. I keep my carbs as low as I can. I try to keep them under 20, but if my protein is high, it's hard to keep my carbs that low. But I rarely go over 40 with my carbs.

I still have about 48 pounds to lose.  I'm really enjoying the process though.  Here is a before/now picture....and if you want to see my videos, my YouTube channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/ShrinkingJenn.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

4 Weeks Post-Op VSG!

Hi! It's been a while since I posted. I just wanted to update and let y'all know how things are going.

Since before my pre-op diet, I have lost 30 lbs!  I'm very excited about this!  I've lost 20 inches over my whole body.... to me, this is amazing!!  :-D

I am still able to eat only about an ounce at a time. I am eating real food now, but very slowly. I've only eaten an omelet and chili since starting on real food and I can still only eat very very little, but I'm chewing it a LOT before I swallow... like 30 times!  lol

I exercised for the first time since surgery last night. I just did a low impact aerobic video. It was good.

I've decided I do not like Ready to Drink protein shakes... They are NASTY!!  Every day, they get grosser and grosser!!  I've got to find something else to do to get my protein in!  I'm gonna try some new things.

Here is a video from my youtube channel about my 4th week post-op!

Thanks for stopping by!!  I'll be posting more soon!  :-)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

4 Days Post-Op VSG

Well, I had my surgery 4 days ago. I've been home for a couple days now. I'm doing fine. The day after surgery I was very nauseous, so that was a miserable day full of regret.  Each day gets easier. I don't regret anymore... I'm feeling more like myself now.

I am on a full liquid diet.. the same diet I was on for a week before surgery.  I'm not able to consume like I did then though.. whew!  Back then I had no trouble getting my 64 oz of water every day, or my 60 grams of protein... I actually got way more protein than that every day then... but now, I'm struggling, trying to get it in because my new stomach "sleeve" won't hold much at a time. I am constantly sipping. It is like a full time job trying to get my liquids in!  I did the best today that I've done since surgery... and I got like 4 cups of water, and a cup of chicken broth from chicken noodle soup, which counts toward my liquids too, and a half of a muscle milk. Right now, I'm attempting to eat some unsweetened apple sauce.  Cold stuff doesn't feel as good in my tummy as room temperature or warm stuff.  The chicken broth was really good actually.  Hopefully tomorrow will be even better.

I'm looking forward to my one week checkup because that is when my drain will be removed and my staples will be removed... those are annoying.

I've already lost several pounds.. let me see.. I've lost almost ten pounds since surgery day. cool, huh?

I've been walking around as much as I can.  It gets boring just walking around the house. Today my husband took me to Walmart and I walked around there and got a few things we needed... it was nice to get out of the house, but annoying trying to hide the drain.

I'll try to make a video soon. Just thought I'd check in real quick.  :-)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Surgery is Coming Up Soon!

My birthday was a few days ago...on Monday. I turned 40. It is so incredibly hard for me to believe that I am 40 years old. Seriously... when did this happen??  I don't even feel like I should be considered an adult.. LOL and now I'm old.  Oh well.. I'm gonna rock 40 like nobody's business and it ain't gonna know what hit it!  Yep.
 The day after my birthday, I went to the hospital for my pre-admission testing. That went pretty smoothly.. nothing major.  That same day, I went to my doctor's office for a class on what to expect before/during/after the surgery.  That was non-eventful too... other than I got the plan for my pre-op liquid diet. I didn't know what my doctor required and was curious... and it is basically a week of clear and full liquids.  I had been doing a liquid diet the week before, but it wasn't all liquids. I was eating a salad for supper every day... and not just any old salad.. it had good stuff in it... eggs, chicken, cheese... yeah, a good salad.  AND my last post showed a picture of my "last meal before surgery..." Well, I thought that was going to be my last meal, but the day I went for my pre-admission testing, we went to taco bell.  I figured why not? My doctor hadn't started my pre-op diet yet... and I'm not going to get a bite of anything for quite a while.. So, I had a burrito supreme. I didn't over eat... but I enjoyed it.

My liquid diet is going pretty well. I haven't cheated at all. I'm following the plan exactly. The first day was a little hard because I had to cook a lot for my family and I couldn't eat any of it. But it has gotten easier and easier. I don't really crave the food much now. Every once in a while, I will be preparing something for my family and I will really want a bite, but I don't do it. I know I can't, so I don't!  I'm really proud of myself.  :-)   Today is day 4 of this clear/full liquid diet.

My surgery is 4 days away... I'm excited and scared at the same time.  I know I'm going to freak out, probably the night before surgery and the morning of surgery. Maybe they will give me something to calm me down because I know I am going to have a lot of anxiety. I'm trembling just thinking about it...

I'm starting to think about recovery.. I'm dreading the pain. I hope I'm one of those fortunate people who have a fairly easy recovery.  A couple years ago, I had my gallbladder removed.  I know I was sore afterwards, but I don't remember being in a lot of pain. I think it was because I was in so much pain BEFORE surgery that the pain during recovery was a piece of cake.  I suffered for a long time with terrible pain before I went to the hospital with my gallbladder.  I really hope I don't have a hard recovery or complications. I know everybody hopes that.  LOL

Anyway, this will probably be my last blog before surgery.. but I might come on one more time with a final before photo and my measurements and weight.  I did my measurements and weight several months ago before I lost any weight, and I will do it again before surgery, so that I will have something to compare with as I lose.  I'm really excited about losing weight.. In a year from now, I plan to be half the person I am now. (or smaller.. hehe)

A few days before my 40th birthday.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Last Meal (before surgery)

Ok, so today I started my 2 week pre-op liquid diet. Yesterday, I realized that would be my last day of "normal" eating because I will be doing liquids until surgery, and then I won't be able to eat like I do now after surgery. So I decided my "last meal" would be a Wendy's Baconator meal with chili cheese fries instead of regular fries, and a large wild berry tea. I know I won't be eating this particular combination of foods together for a long time, maybe never. Hopefully never.

I'm doing fine with the liquid diet so far.. it is just day one.. LOL.. I had a protein shake for breakfast along with a Flintstones multivitamin, chicken broth for lunch with lifewater, and for supper I will have a small salad.  I will try to get in 64 oz of water/liquid today.  I'll do this diet until the 15th when my surgeon will give me details on the pre-op liquid diet that he prefers.  Yeah, he only requires a one-week pre-op diet, but I've read that most people have to do 2 weeks, so I decided on my own to do 2 weeks. I read other people's pre-op diet plans and just incorporated it into my own. So far, so good.

My surgery will be 2 weeks from today!  It's hard to believe it's so close!  I'm really excited!  (and a little nervous!!)

Here's a pic of my last meal!