Saturday, December 29, 2012

I Have a Surgery Date!!

I just wanted to update to say that the insurance has approved my surgery and I have a surgery date for January 23, 2013!!  I'm really excited and scared at the same time.. LOL

I have to go to a seminar on January 15 to learn more about what to expect and to get information on my one week liquid diet.  I actually want to do a 2 week liquid diet just to make sure.. So I guess I will be starting that on the 9th of January.

I will be turning 40 on January 14th.. I can't believe it! I mean, I've been thinking about it but it didn't really dawn on me until I was going to put makeup on today and I looked at myself and was like, OMG! I'm OLD!  Really, the years just fly by!  If you are reading this and you are under 35, don't take your youth for granted... it will be gone before you know it!!  I feel like I have wasted mine being overweight and unhappy!  I plan to do something about that though.. I'll be 40 on the 14th and I'll be having VGS on the 23rd, and I will be getting healthier and happier!

Here is a video I just made.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Decision

A few months ago, I decided to do something drastic!  After years of being morbidly obese, and trying desperately to lose weight to no avail, I decided to have weight loss surgery.  My sister in law had it a year ago and she has done really well. She lost over 100 pounds. Surgery never really seemed like something I would/could do. I always figured I would do it the "old fashioned" way, with diet and exercise.  The problem with that was that I never could lose much.  I would lose a little and just gain it back, plus more. I have hypothyroidism, which probably plays a part.  

I finally reached my breaking point a few months ago. I was starting to have a hard time breathing, my heart was beating erratically, I was having chest pains, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, and I felt like CRAP.  One day, I saw a picture of myself.  I cried, thinking, "THIS is what others see when they look at me??"  I talked to my husband and said, "I have GOT to do something about this!"  And he said, "Betty is doing really well."  I was like, "but she had SURGERY!"  and he said, "Yeah..."  So I started thinking, why CAN'T I have surgery?  I decided to research it. Betty had a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy.  I learned all I could about it and joined a couple online forums about it. I decided to have the surgery too. I understand there is a slight chance I will have some pretty serious complications, but at 150 pounds overweight, I face some pretty serious complications if I don't lose this weight too!  I have proven to myself that I cannot do it on my own, or I would have been successful by now. I think this is my only chance to ever lose the weight and keep it off.  

So, during the past few months, I have met with the surgeon, had numerous doctor's appointments and tests and all the doctors have cleared me for surgery.  Now, I am just waiting for the insurance to approve the surgery and I will get my surgery date.  The doctor thinks it will be in December, most likely. 

I can't wait, and I'm nervous all at the same time.