Sunday, March 2, 2014

GOAL - And Other Things....

Hello!  I haven't done a very good job with this blog. LOL...

It has been 13 months since I had my weight loss surgery.. and a lot has happened.  I reached my goal in December, after 11 months.  My starting weight was 274, and in December, I reached my goal of 125.

Since then, I've continued to lose weight.  I now weigh 116 pounds.  I had planned, and hoped, all along to lose about 10 pounds more than my goal so that I would have a cushion in case I gain a I'm not too upset that I've continued to lose.  Afterall, I'm still in the healthy range for my height.. I am 5 feet tall, and the normal weight range for me is 95 lbs to 128 lbs.

I'm trying to increase my calories so that I can begin maintenance now.  On MyFitnessPal, I changed my settings from "losing" to "maintenance" and it says I'm supposed to get over 1500 calories per day, without exercising...I do good to barely get 1200 but it's getting better.  I just don't want to wish away this "honeymoon" period when it's easy to lose.  I am trying to appreciate the fact that I can't gain even if I try right now... I would say that eventually I will be able to easily get enough calories to gain and I don't want to get myself into the habit of grazing or eating a lot of crap before then...that could cause me to gain back weight that I don't want to gain.

A lot of people don't understand this though...people tell me to stop losing weight or I will start looking if I'm mischievously trying to lose too much weight...odd how people think. biggest complaint is my loose skin.  I have a lot of it.  My arms...they bother me less than other parts of my body, but yeah, I have skin hanging on my upper is not fat at all.. just skin.  I do have a little bit of loose skin on my neck, like under my chin but it doesn't bother me too only shows up at certain angles or whatever... but my boobs are hideous..just empty..not pretty at all. I have loose skin on my stomach and butt and my thighs are just awful.  Ugh!

BUT, I kind of suspected that this would happen.  I hoped it wouldn't, but thought it probably would.  I will take the loose skin ANY day over the fat.  I am going to visit a plastic surgeon and see about getting some of it removed but I don't know if my insurance will cover it, or if I will even have my insurance much longer....but it won't hurt to inquire about it.

So...Here are some pics.

Left is me now, weighing 116 pounds in a small shirt & size 4 pants.  Right is me before, in a 3x shirt & size 24 jeans.

My son and I can both fit in that outfit now!

First pic is me in the hospital right before surgery and the second pic is me in Dec. 2013 right after I reached GOAL!